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Hazel Park hosts Parent-Teacher Pancake Event

The Parent Teacher Pancake breakfast was a huge success! The kids had fun, everyone pitched in, parents, staff and educators cooked, there were so many smiling faces!
Pictures were taken by the school's principal and will be appearing in the upcoming HPPA newsletter!
A special thanks to all the parents and staff who contributed either by cooking, providing food and beverages, or equipment (griddles and spatulas and such.) We even received help from the lunchroom staff!
We had Cole and Kendra, myself, Mr. Ogitchida, Mrs. Katherine Mrs. Shah, Nia, Janice and Mrs. Beth working the griddles. as well as the student peer leaders, Mrs. Brock, Dr. Hader, Mr. Dutrieuille, Mrs. Monica, Maria and the coordination and cooperation of all of the HPPA staff.
Mrs. Milks and Mrs. Robin in the front office were an enormous help, and Toni and Mrs. Tatarka in the nurse's office made sure everyone was safe and well leading up to and during the event.
We had donations from many of the people listed above as well as Andrew, Mr. Rand, Mrs. Engfer, and the cafeteria staff even let us use some equipment!
This event was exciting proof that together we can build the strong community that HPPA needs and that our children deserve!