Welcome to Fourth Grade! Zoo Siab Tos Txais Nej Rau Qib Plaub!



    We are the Phalen Lake Hmong Studies Magnet 4th grade team! In 4th grade, we have two Hmong Studies teachers, two Hmong Dual Language teachers, and two EL teachers. Our days consist of Morning Meetings, Readers Workshop, Math, Writing, Social and Hmong Studies. The students also cycle through five enrichment classes: Gym, Theater, Art, Hmong Culture, and Science. 

    Peb yog Phalen Lake Elementary pab Qib 4! Nyob rau Qib 4 peb muaj ob tug Hmoob Studies Xibfwb, ob tug Xibfwb qhia lus Hmoob thiab Av kiv, thiab ob tug ELL Xibfwb. Txhua hnub peb muaj Morning Meetings(Kev Sib Ntsib), Readers Workshops (Nyeem Ntawv), TQ&E Math(Leb), Writing Workshop(Sau Ntawv), thiab Hmong Studies (Kawm Txog Hmoob). Ib liam tiam Cov Tub ntxhais kawm ntawv mus rau lawm chav kawm: Gym, Theater, Art, Hmonf Culture, thiab Science(Kev Tsawb fawb). Txuas ntxiv rau Science, Qib 4 muaj hwv tsam kawm ntxiv nrog cov neeg tsawb fawb los ntawm Science From Scientist Program. 


    Fourth Grade Team              

Fourth Grade Sites (Qib Plaub cov sites