

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Dave Lonsdorf

I have been teaching in early childhood, Pre-K and Kindergarten for over 10 years.  I love working with Kindergarteners and young children because they are such enthusiastic learners and it is such an important time in a child's emotional and academic development.  Students start kindergarten at very different places in their development and I enjoy the challenge of getting students to be successful in school and in life.  I love working at Battle Creek Elementary because of the wonderful families, cultural diversity, collaborative and friendly staff and proximity to Battle Creek Regional Park which  I use as an extension of my classroom.  I believe the best way for students to learn is through hands-on experiences, that are meaningful, relevant and real.  I partner with my students to create hands-on, engaging learning experiences where students interests drive our projects. Through inquiry based learning in connection with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) students are able to apply what they know and learn through experimenting, testing, building and creating. Our school being uniquely situated in an urban environment that adjoins forest, prairie and ponds allows us to use nature as a catalyst in our learning.

In kindergarten we use the "Discovering Our World Curriculm" which is centers based and gives students the oportunity for voice and choice.  Academic work is taking place simulataneosuly with play-based learning.  Intertwined in all parts of the curriculum are opportunites and practice with social emotional skill development.  We build community in our class through daily morning meeting where we sit in circle, and each person has a voice sharing what they think and know.  We sing, play games and build connections through things we have in common, all the while celebrating differences.  Throughout the year we go on at least three field trips and visit the Battle Creek Park weekly if not more.  We go outside for recess everyday (unless district mandated) so it is important your child is dressed for the elements that winter in Minnesota brings.  Outside time is an excellent place for sensory experinces, social emotional growth and building friendships.  Your kindergartener will also rotate each day for a 50 minute block to science, gym and art with their class.  I am part of the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project and strongly believe that the key to students success is partnership between home and school.  I look forward to working with your child and family in the future.