Phone: 651-294-4178


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jimenez-Wheeler

I'm from Colombia. I work at Battle Creek Elementary as the kindergarten and first Grade EL (Emergent Learners) teacher. I have been an educator since 1994. I used to work as an English/Spanish teacher at a high school in my country. I came to the United States in 2000 to pursue a master’s degree in English as a Second Language (ESL).

At Battle Creek, we work in a Collaboration Model. MLL support services are given in the mainstream classroom the majority of the time. I work in English language development in small group groups, during the Literacy Block in kindergarten and the Reader's Workshop and/or Writer's Workshop in first grade.

When the students receive MLL support they are presented with a wide array of activities and materials to suit their specific needs as well as their individual learning styles. As a second language learner, I know how difficult is to learn a new language. I realize that second language learners need more time and more concrete activities as well as hands on activities.

In my ELL groups every member has the same opportunities to interact. Each child brings something important to share and something that makes him/her a unique human being who deserves to be listened to. I believe that speaking another language is not an obstacle it is rather an opportunity

Students talking about a mural they did about the farm to reach more people. Consequently, being bilingual is taken as a privilege and a source of pride. When children are proud of their language and heritage they feel empowered and can succeed socially and academically.

Bienvenidos a Battle Creek!

Welcome to Battle Creek!