Our Kindergarten

  • At Battle Creek, our kindergartners are provided with many opportunities to engage in learning activities that are designed to educate the whole child.  Our lessons help the children learn beginning reading, writing and math skills as well as positive social behavior. 

    Our Teaching Philosophy

    All children can learn! Learning should be joyful and full of movement, music, hands-on experiences and positive interactions. We want our kindergartners to respect themselves, others and our world. We believe families are important partners in the teaching and learning process. Opportunities for family involvement are provided through weekly homework assignments, and Battle Creek family night programs.

    Kindergarten Curricula

    • Reading: The MONDO Bookshop Reading Program is aligned to the five elements of reading as identified by the National Reading Panel (oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics/word study, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency). We use a wide variety of books, songs and poems to teach the reading lessons.
    • Math: Everyday Mathematics is designed to help children build a solid understanding of mathematical skills and concepts such as counting, numeration, measurement, geometry, patterns, sorting, data collecting, addition, subtraction and number stories. Kindergartners will revisit and build upon skills and concepts throughout the year and will continue to develop their understanding of those skills and concepts as they move through later grades.
    • Writing: The Writer’s Workshop is an interdisciplinary writing technique that builds students’ fluency in writing through continuous, repeated exposure to the process of writing. The workshop consists of eight units of study: Rituals and Routines, Telling Stories About Ourselves, Personal Narrative, Author’s Study, Poetry, Nonfiction, Delving Deeper into the Skills of Writing, and Response to Literature. We focus on letter formation; how pictures and print contain a message; expressing ideas/messages through oral language, drawing pictures, and using print; left to right progression; sounds and letters in words; spacing between words; punctuation; basic sentence writing and becoming independent writers.
    • Skills Block:  MONDO Phonics provides explicit instruction in a clear sequence that targets skills in five strands:  phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, letter recognition, phonics, and word recognition.