Teacher Resources

  • Collaborate with your librarian! Book a visit where Ms. Orensten can co-teach or students can have a book check out time! Staff must be signed into email to access the calendar. To schedule a visit for 5th hour, please email Ms. Orensten as she was unavailble to create appointment spots with 3 different 5th hour times. Thank you.

  • Ms. Orensten isn't just here for students,  but also for teachers. Please email her and let her know how she can help.

    For some ideas on what she can do click here.

  • LibraryGO for Educators

    LibraryGO for Staff : To sign-up for LibraryGO click here.

    Student Login Information:

    Barcode/Library Card
    22091600 + 6 digit student ID
    (do not add the "s")
    PIN: Your birthday (MMDDYYYY)

    If you'd like LibraryGO cards for students to put in their iPads please email Ms. Orensten and she will put them in your mailbox. 

Library Passes

  • *Please call the library before sending a student with a library pass.

    *NO library passes during 4th hour as Ms. Orensten is teaching her elective class. Thank you.