Reading in Circle; deepening our connections to literature, ourselves, and each other

Posted by Robin King on 9/23/2019 6:00:00 AM

What a week! I have been so fortunate to have accepted invitations to read aloud in some of our Reading circles! What joy to take a few moments to breathe with our young, to settle into their circle, to read a book connected to their learning about themselves, our community, how literature works and to share our voices in that circle. The beauty of the circle is being able to see and hear each person as they respond, to have the gift of listening as each person holds the talking piece, as an educator to notice each student’s response and to make little notes about what they might need to grow in their learning. 

Friday I sat with family members of students! We came together in community building, shared core values and the beauty of our families. Together we created a space in which families felt comfortable to engage and share, and have a community conversation around essential topics for families. They are looking forward to upcoming circles and learning as a part of a greater community.

I am looking forward to the rest of my invitations to read with classes, as well as having more opportunities this week to engage in Restorative appreciative interviews with our newer staff members.

Have a Refreshing and Restorative week!