Phone: 651-293-8870 (school office). My personal Google Voice phone number is 612-888-4683


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Conservation Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S. Second Languages and Cultures, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Ms. Jenny Djupstrom

I am an EL teacher currently working with students and teachers in second and third grade.  I began teaching at Eastern Heights in 2014, but I have been working as an EL teacher in St. Paul Public Schools since 2003. I was a Peace Corps volunteer in 1999-2001 in Honduras.  When I returned I decided to become an EL teacher.  

I love teaching kids, meeting their families, and learning from my students, who have so much to share.   Outside of school I am busy with my husband and our two children's activities.  I like to travel to other countries, go camping, grow veggies and flowers for birds and bees, play sports, bike, hike, bake, and cook.  I am honored to be part of the Parent-Teacher Home Visits Project and am enjoying learning more about my students and their families through this exciting opportunity.  I love working at Eastern Height Elementary.