Phone: 651-293-8870, GOOGLE VOICE ‪(651) 337-9344‬


Degrees and Certifications:

-BA from University of Minnesota -Minor in Science Education from the University of Minnesota Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Minnesota

Ms. Rikki Mohlenhoff


Rikki Mohlenhoff (she, hers, her,)
Fourth Grade Teacher, Eastern Heights  
Saint Paul Public Schools • 2001 Margaret Street, 55129

Office: 651-293-8870.

GOOGLE VOICE ‪(651) 337-9344‬

Leave a message, email or Google text or call anytime,  or contact me at 8:30 AM or at 4:15 PM

Why I Teach: I teach to change the future for the students I work with. I want them to realize their gifts and potentials and to maximize their time at school to propel them on to great things! Student success is my goal. I want all children to feel motivated to do well in their studies but to also grow as individuals who are leaders, problem-solvers, mentors, and agents of change. Kids can do it all, as they learn to work together in an environment that fosters thinking and cooperation with those around them.

Bio: I have been teaching at Eastern Heights in the fourth grade for many years, twenty-five plus rewarding years!  I have also been a sixth grade teacher, the science speicalist teacher, and a gifted education teacher at the University of St. Thomas program for young learners as well as a OM coach at Eastern Heights. I have a degree in Elementary Education with a Minor in Science Education. I also have a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership all from the University of Minnesota after some time at UW LaCrosse . I have two children, one in middle school and one fresh out of college.  I understand the challenges facing parents today! I ,too, work hard to help my own children to succeed. I enjoy cooking, playing cards with my kids, hiking, watching movies and reading!