Phone: 612-470-0943


Degrees and Certifications:

BM Vocal Music Education - Millikin University MA Educational Leadership - St. Mary's University of Minnesota

Michael Claver

Welcome back to Music Class! 

My name is Michael Claver, this is my fourth year as the music teacher at The Heights Community School.  

In music class, we sing, dance, play intruments, compose, improvise and listen to all different kinds of music! Everyone has a a place in music. We will be trying some new things in music class this year, watch this video to see what is new!

This year, we have a lot of new face at The Heights, and I can't wait to get to know you! 


About me: 

Teacher Claver lives in Saint Paul with their cat, Stinky Boy. Teacher Claver loves singing, seeing friends, going on hikes, and learning new things! Teacher Claver has a degree in Vocal Music Education from Millikin University, and Master's in Educational Leadership from St. Mary's University of Minnesota