Phone: 651-293-8815


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Health and PE K-12 Broadfield Coaching emphasis + 40 credits

Mr. Chris Beason

Hi Everyone,

I'm Chris Beason, the P.E. Teacher here at the Heights School. This is my third year working at the Heights School,

and overall, my 29th year in schools. I am originally from Magnificient, Mountainous Montana, where I taught 17 years.

Additionally, I have also taught three years in Kansas City and finally here in Minnesota the past eight years.

I love to be active, especially outdoors !

I spend my free time with family and friends or solo, enjoying things like; skiing, camping, fishing, hiking, hunting,

swimming, boating/canoeing. I love to take my daughter different places for new adventures.


Get ready to move in my PE class !  We are very active in PE class.

Lastly, I'm ready for students to challenge me in a PUSH UP CONTEST !

I'm 57 years old and I can do alot more than 57 pushups in a row !

How many can you do ?

Keep Movin' !  Use it or loose it !


Mr. Beason