About the Teacher

Phone: 651-293-8815


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Madelynn Peterson

Hello and welcome!


My name is Madelynn Peterson. I am starting my 9th year of teaching this year. I hope to create a classroom environment where each and everyone one of my scholars feels cared for. I also hope that they feel safe enough to take chances in learning and try their hardest. I greatly look forward to spending the following year with my new students and families!

We use the Responsive Classroom approach in our classroom. The idea behind this program is that the social curriculum used with our children is just as important as the academic curriculum. Students will learn to be Cooperative, Assertive, Responsible, Empathetic, as well as being able to demonstrate Self-control. Our rules are to be respectful, be safe, and be responsible.

We also use the Zones of Regulation to help scholars identify what feelings they are experiencing and what tools they can use once they have identified their zone. We like to communicate to scholars that all zones are normal to experience, but we try to be in the green zone at school.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, family, and my dog, Tater Tot. I LOVE traveling and exploring new places, trying out new restaurants, going to concerts, treasure hunting at estate sales, reading, seeing movies, and shopping. 

I'm looking forward to another great year!