Welcome to our Fifth Grade Classrooms

Summer Learning Program for 5th Grade Students

  • The Inca-inspired poem In La'kech by Luis Valdez was used to probe our responsibility and relationship with our community. 

  • In the Fifth Grade Classrooms

    We differentiate and meet students where they are. We challenge our students to explain their thinking and be reflective.

    In literacy, we focus on small group instruction in reading. 

    • Small groups of students (usually 4-5) who are reading at a similar level, meet with their teacher twice/week.
    • Each week, the group will focus on one book, chosen and presented by the teacher.
    • Students learn and practice reading strategies, discuss what they read, complete word work, and practice writing.

    In math, we build our small group instruction around TQE (see below).

    • Small groups of students (usually 4-5) who are working on the same skill meet with their teacher weekly.
    • T=Task, Q=Questions, E=Evidence
    • With a learning goal (task) in mind, teachers and students seek multiple solutions (asking questions), and explain their thinking (evidence).

    Fifth grade students are eager to explore new ideas and develop their communication skills.  We look forward to sharing what, and how, your child is learning. 

    Thank you,

    The Fifth Grade Team


  • Plan Now For Your Future

    SPPS has many different options for middle school. Plan to attend Open Houses and Prospective Family Showcases to make an informed decision about your child's future.

    Explore Saint Paul Public Schools at https://www.spps.org/domain/1235