Phone: 651-744-5611


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Rekonen

Hello! My name is Lauren Rekonen and I teach social studies and coordinate the Humboldt AVID program.  I have been teaching at Humbodt since 2005 and I love it here!  Humboldt students are amazing and Humboldt is a great place to learn and thrive.  

For the 2022-2023 school year I am teaching 6th grade Minnesota Studies, 10th grade Critical Ethnic Studies, and Middle School AVID. 

To contact me, please email me!  This is the fastest way to get ahold of me.  You can also call me and leave a voicemail message at 651-744- 5611.   I am here to help in any way that I can! 



I enjoy keeping up with the news, spending time with my family, hanging out with my dogs, and visiting my parent's cabin in northern Minnesota.  I have two middle-schoolers at home.