Phone: 651-744-1760


Degrees and Certifications:

BA, History M.Ed, Second Language Education

Mr. Noah Zernechel

Hello! Mr. Z is an EL teacher at Humboldt. This is his fifth year at Humboldt and his fifth year teaching. He has a BA in History from St. Thomas and a master's in Second Language Education from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He has taught grades 9-12 English Language Development and co-taught English Language Arts. This year, he is co-teaching U.S. Government with Mr. Garofalo and Economics with Ms. Engelum. He is also a senior advisor and one of two graduation coordinators.

When not working, Mr. Z is a big fan of being outside. He enjoys hiking, kayaking, camping, and fishing. He loves to travel and takes a trip at almost every opportunity. Mr. Z is an avid reader and tries to read at least 20 books a year. He also enjoys cooking, spending time with his partner and cats, friends and family, watching TV and movies.

Mr. Z lives in St. Paul on the West Side with his girlfriend and three cats (#crazycatlady). He grew up in the Anoka area. His family is quite small, and he's very close with his parents. He considers his friends to be like family. He has known his oldest friend for 25 years, and he is like a brother. 

One thing Mr. Z loves about Humboldt is the diversity of the student body and the plethora of different experiences and ideas they come to school with. He also loves the staff, and truly believes we have one of the most dedicated, caring, and motivated staff in St. Paul.

Go Hawks!