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  • U.S. History Survey

    U.S. History investigates the development and continual growth of our country.  Our studies begin with the exploration of the "New World" and survey the key events, players and decisions that have contributed to the United States.  The stories of our founding fathers, leaders, citizens, conflicts and compromises are examined from multiple perspectives through a chronological and thematic study.  This class will allow students to develop an improved understanding of the nation that we live in today and how history has impacted and formed the 21st century challenges we face.

    U.S. History Units of Study

    1st semester

    • Introduction to U.S. History: (what is history and why is it important?)
    • The U.S. as a New Nation: (colonial growth, fight for independence, growing pains and problems)
    • Compromises End, Crisis Begins (the issue of slavery continues to drive the country apart)
    • The Civil War: (why we fought, how the war was fought, consequences today)
    • NATIONAL HISTORY DAY! (research project and presentation)

       2nd semester

    • Reconstruction: (putting the country back together again)
    • The Progressive Era: (new industry, new immigrants, and reform in American society)
    • Imperialism and World War I: (the U.S. gets involved in a big world battle  a.k.a. "The Great War")
    • Depression and World War II: (unemployment, hunger, and then another HUGE war)
    • The 50s and 60s: (Korea, Vietnam, Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement)
    • The 20th Century closes: (from pop culture of the 70s and 80s to a post 9-11 world