Fourth Grade Curriculum

  • Welcome to the Fourth Grade at Groveland Park Elementary

    Reader Workshop:  Students will engage in reading a variety of literature individually, in small group settings and as a whole class.  Genres covered include: poetry, fiction,  non-fiction. 

    Social Studies: Students will study major geographic regions of the United States.  Our explorations of the regions is focused through the lens of the social sciences: economics, geography, political science and history.   We shift our focus in the spring Minnesota.

    Skills:  Throughout the year,  students will be presented with a variety of activities designed to enhance their control of language.  Some of the language areas covered are:  antonyms,  synonyms,  prefixes,  suffixes, homophones,  word ladders,  using a dictionary, using a thesaurus,  easily confused words, multiple meaning words, inflections and base words.

    Math: Each day,  students participate in a Math Review class. These concepts have been presented to students, in the past,  but sometimes more practice is needed.  Three concepts are covered in a two week rotation.  On the last Friday, students are quizzed -- if 80% of the class passes a concept it will be dropped and a new idea started the following week.  

    Units of study in fourth grade include: geometry figures, multiplication, division, estimation,  fractions, decimals, percents, rates, area, perimeter, organizing data through charts and graphs, solids, weights and measures.

    Writing:  Students will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.  We use the "writing process" which teaches students to progress through the stages of prewriting,  rough drafts, editing and final drafts. 

    Topics of fourth grade: A Moment in Time, Opinion Personal Narrative, Research Projects, and Fictional Narrative.