Phone: 651-744-7465


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Elementary Education and SMEE (Science and Math for Elementary Education; M.A. in Elementary Education; Elementary II AMS Montessori Certification

Ms. Leslie Young

My name is Leslie Young and I am an E2 teacher.  I have been teaching E2, which is multi-age classes of 4th and 5th graders, at Nokomis since 2007.  I value the Montessori multi-age environment that provides learning in a peaceful and connected community.  I appreciate the many opportunities have students for more than one year offers, including building partnerships with families.  I believe students learning in a Montessori environment inspires a sense of independence and ownership of their learning.  

Outside of school, I spend much of my time outdoors exploring with my family, including hiking, camping, and fishing.  Our family lives in St. Paul I enjoy being part of the community our Nokomis students live in.  My two children also attend Nokomis.

I attended the University of St. Thomas for my undergraduate work, Hamline University for my Masters Degree in Elementary Education, and the Center for Montessori Teacher Education in New York for my AMS Montessori certification.