Intervention and Restorative Practices

Circle Centerpiece
  • Restorative Practices at Bruce Vento Elementary supports the way our community builds relationships, solves problems and learns together. Relationships are central to restorative practices and the way we learn about our world, who we are, and those around us.  Our community will be growing through Restorative Practices in the 2022-2023 school year.

    Circles are used to build human connections as well as bonds, therefore providing a safe space to repair harm. Currently, circles are being used as a way for students at Vento to get to know one another, build classroom communities, and repair harm when a conflict arises

    To learn more about Restorative Practices at Bruce Vento Elementary, contact Gretchen Ray-Jensen at 651-744-5779 or at

Restorative Practices at Family Night