Phone: 651-744-7332


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters of Social Work License in Clinical Social Work

Peter Shanedling

My name is Peter Shanedling, and I am excited to be the new Social Worker at Chelsea Heights! I worked in St. Paul Schools as a School Social Worker for 21 years.  I have a BA in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota.  My first major job after college was working as a Youth and Camping Director at Temple Israel in Minnesota for nine years. I then attended the College of St. Catherine and received a Masters in Social Worker.  I also have a License in Clinical Social Work.

When I am not at school, I like to spend time with my family, including my wife, 14-year-old son, dog Dollie.  When I am not at work, I love playing soccer, birdwatching, gardening, and cooking. I also have a large collection of LEGO mini-figures (that I sometimes play with). 

As a School Social Worker, I enjoy learning about and celebrating student's strengths and focusing on problem solving and social, emotional and behavior skill development.

I am available to support all Chelsea Heights students and families, including students who receive Social Work services through Special Education. I can help families locate needed community services, including mental health services, housing services, food, and financial services.