Family Engagement Plan Page

  • Our school is a Title I school. Title I is part of a U.S. education law that provides extra help for students to meet grade-level learning standards.

    One important requirement in Title I is that schools have a plan for working with families. Our school’s plan tells how families can be involved in making decisions about programs, how teachers and families will work together to help students learn, and the events and resources for families to be engaged.

    You can ask for a copy of the full Family Engagement Plan in the school office, or view it below.

     Benjamin E. Mays Family Engagement Plan 2022-23 The Family Engagement Plan (FEP) was developed with the input from families, teachers, and staff. It is the road map for how Mays will interact with and engage families. If you would like to provide input to the Mays FEP, please contact Devina Moore at or (651) 744-8181 (during school hours).

    Our SPPS District Calendar provides a quick view of the events during the school year and highlights key points of the partnership between home and school.