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Survey Results

Mays received 54 responses to the parent survey available during spring conferences. The survey covered three key areas: the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), the Mays School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP), and the Title I Budget. We be sharing the information we received in the Weekly Highlights and on our website.


IB PYP Survey Responses:

How many years have you been part of the school?

What grade level is your child?

How well do you understand the PYP?

I chose Mays because it is an IB PYP

I see evidence that Mays is an IB school.

Staff work collaboratively with parents.

My child is encouraged to ask questions.

How often does the school communicate with you about IB learning?

SCIP Survey Responses: 

Our SCIP (School Improvement Plan) is focused on student voice. Student voice includes: Engaging students in learning experiences that encourage class discussion; Supporting students in becoming more independent learners; Making sure students’ opinions, beliefs, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds are seen and heard in classrooms. Where have you seen Student Voice in action this school year? Choose all that apply: (responses below)

Where do you see student voice?


Our literacy focus is on Guided Reading groups, which are small, teacher-lead reading groups at each student’s reading level. Our SCIP goal is that Guided Reading groups are happening in 100% of k-5 classrooms and we are on track to meet this goal. Have Guided Reading groups positively impacted your student as a reader? (responses below)

Guided Reading Groups

Our math focus is on Number Talks and Math Review, which engage students in discussions about math or review previously learned material to build stronger math skills. Our SCIP goal is that Number Talks/Math Review is happening daily in 100% of k-5 classrooms and we are on track to meet this goal. Have Number Talks/Math Review positively impacted your student in math? (responses below)


Our SCIP goal for Restorative Practices is that 100% of k-5 classrooms participate in Restorative circles; we are currently meeting that goal. Each student begins and ends their day in circle with their teacher and classmates. Has participation in Restorative circles positively impacted your student? (responses below)

RP Circles  

In response to the question, “What do you see as an area of growth for our school.” We received a variety of responses with a focus on the following: reading, math, communication, cultural responsive instruction and climate, more programs and activities (after school, tutoring, band, science etc.)

Our school receives Title I funds which are currently used to support these positions and programs: Math Coach, Family Engagement liaison, Counselor. What are your priorities for how Title I funds should be used? Choose all that apply:

Graph of results


What type of engagement opportunities are most important to you? Choose all that apply:
Graph 2

Do you have any questions about Title I at Mays? Is there another activity or event you would like to see at Mays? Please share your questions or ideas here!


In response to this question, parents requested after school activities and more reading.