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OWL at National History Day 2021

For the 11th consecutive year, OWL students qualified for the National History Day Competition.


This year, Elsa Carlson and Zoe Campion won 6th place in the nation for their senior group documentary, "The First Lady of the Black Press: Ethyl Payne and Communication in Journalism."


Sam Kellar-Long, Helena Squires Mosher and Mae Wrigley became National Champions by winning 1st Place for their senior group performance "Reagan's Martin Luther King Day: Miscommunicating a Legacy." 


This is OWL's fourth History Day National Championship as a school. Congratulations to the students and their teacher, Katie Craven.


Teacher Katie Craven and her team: Sam Kellar-Long, Helena Squires Mosher, Mae Wrigley, Elsa Carlson, Zoe CampionTeacher Katie Craven with her team: Sam Kellar-Long, Helena Squires Mosher, Mae Wrigley, Elsa Carlson, Zoe Campion