After School Program

  • OWL Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities to enhance their learning in the classroom and their connection to the school and each other.  Our activities reflect our students and their interests.  

    In addition to the activites highlighted in this section of the website (Theater, Lego League, Robotics, Archery, Ultimate Frisbee, etc.), our students can take classes through our Extended Day Learning Program, focusing on strengthening reading and math skills, as well as Flipside, an enrichment program offering a variety of classes to students in partnership with our neighbors, Humboldt Secondary School.

    Activities have included:  Extended Day Academic Support, Homework Help, Mobile Jazz Project, Debate, Math League, Science Museum of Minnesota, Youth Farm, Urban 4H, Public Achievement, Video Production, Soccer, Video Game Design and Coding, Karen Culture Club, Karen Language, Yoga, Board Games, Archeology, Puppetry, Bridge Building, and Cheerleading. 

    The program runs Monday-Thursday from 3-4:45 PM, mid-October through mid-May.  All students are eligible for a substantial snack and school bus transportation home at 4 PM. For questions about the after-school program, contact Site Leader Clara Raineri,