Welcome to Open's World Learning Community's School Counseling Page

OWL graduation

    Counseling Staff


    Jolene Yang - High School Counselor 

    Caseload: 9th - 12th Grade Students 

    Contact: jolene.yang@spps.org 


    Katerina Youngberg - Middle School Counelor & PLP Coordinator 

    Caseload: 6th - 8th Grade Students 

    Contact: katerina.youngberg@spps.org 


    The OWL Counseling team offers a comprehensive school counseling program that addresses the three domains of student development: Academic, College/Career, and Personal/Social.

    Specific services include:

    • Individual Counseling
    • Crisis Support
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Academic Support and Planning
    • Post-Secondary Planning

    The school counseling office is open from 8:00AM - 3:30pm or by appointment and we are happy to serve our students and families in any way that we can.