Fall Retreats


    Fall Retreats 2022

    September 26 – 30

    Each fall, OWL students engage in a four-day intensive experience. The objective of these fall retreats is to begin the school year with an experience that will build lasting friendships and provide the foundation for future collaborative fieldwork. Below is a summary of what will happen at each grade level. More information will be available at goal-setting conferences. Starting this year, there is a flat fee of $120 for all experiences.  Please use this link to pay for your fall retreats: https://cr-ssl.rschooltoday.com/secure2/ce_SPPS/php/productmgr.php?action=classDetail&classId=513&categoryId=&programId=38.

    *Partial scholarships are available upon request. Contact Dave Gundale (651-293-8670/dave.gundale@spps.org).

    Fall Retreats Week is a huge undertaking and spreads our staff very thin. Parent chaperones are needed for each grade level for both overnight and daily trips. Please consider taking the time to help us make these trips a success. Contact Dave Gundale 651-293-8670/dave.gundale@spps.org.

    Please use the following link to sign up to be a chaperone for fall retreats: https://forms.gle/Lm18UqqAJH9w1Lz9A.

    2022 Fall Retreat Details:

    6th Grade, Mississippi River: field work to Interstate Park, Fort Snelling, Mill City Museum

    7th Grade, Community: Belwin, Green Line trip, overnight to Baker Park Reserve

    8th Grade, Justice: Think Globally Act Locally, Expert Panels, overnight to Baker Park Reserve

    9th Grade, Service: Service Launch and High School Success, Overnight Service at Camp YMCA in Hudson, WI

    10th Grade, College Visits: 2-year/4- year, public/private, large/small, trade union training programs, college admission process/paying for college, etc.

    11th Grade Service Trip: Service Week in Northern Iowa

    12th Grade, Senior Retreat at Camp Du Nord: Service and Launching senior year around purpose and possibility

    Note: we will be monitoring COVID rates very closely throughout the end of summer and first weeks of school. If COVID rates increase to a level that makes overnight trips not a viable option, we will shift our activities to be local as we did fall of 2021.



