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OWL 10th graders Aiko Mattie and Emma McCarthy win National Contest

Aiko Mattie and Emma McCarthy (grade 10) earned national recognition by winning the 1st Prize Discovery Award for their website on the First Lady Astronaut Trainees and Jerrie Cobb.  The Lowell Milken Discovery Award for Unsung Heroes recognizes projects completed by students that highlight the work of role models who haven't been given the recognition they deserve.  The research that Aiko and Emma completed and put together into a website highlights the obstacles the women overcame and the advancements made possible for women in the field of aerospace exploration. 

Here is the link to their website

Here is the link to a news story on KSTP Ch 5 News

Here is the link to an article in the StarTribune

Here is the link to an article in the Pioneer Press

 Lowell Milken Center Discover Award Winners, Aiko Mattie and Emma McCarthy, with their teacher, Katie Craven