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OWL Digital Learning Day Plan

OWL Families,


I want to thank the 100+ parents for sharing their perspective about digital learning through a survey we sent out in early December.  At the Dec. 15 OWL Community Group meeting we shared out and discussed the results of the survey.  As you can imagine there was a diversity of perspectives that ranged from too much structure to not enough.  Based on the input we are slightly modifying our digital learning day plans in a way  where students have an opportunity to connect with their teachers through a schedule yet have enough flexibility to meet the other demands of their day as well.  While there is no perfect solution, we are trying to make sure the day is as meaningful as possible.


Digital learning days may occur for many reasons such as severe weather or potentially COVID reasons.  This means that students will be doing their coursework virtually from home.  Notifications for these days will come from our school district administrative office.  At this time we do know that Friday, April 15 will be a digital learning day due to the shift that allowed a full 2 week winter break for students.  The guidelines that have been tentatively agreed upon between SPFE and SPPS administration around digital learning include: 120 minutes of synchronous virtual learning time during the day, a virtual crew meeting, and the ability for students to connect/contact their teachers around their work. 


Students will receive a Google Meet code for each of their courses in Schoology.  If your child is having a hard time locating this code in their Schoology folder, you may call our main telephone line and a support staff member will help you and your student.  As they did during distance learning, students will need to find a productive space at home to engage in their virtual class lessons and work.  Teachers will have a 30 minute synchronous time during each of these periods.  In the case that a staff member may be absent that day, an asynchronous lesson will be provided as we will be unable to get  a substitute teacher to meet live with students.


Thank you,


David Gundale

Principal, OWL

Day Schedule (A or B day according to the date - will be shared out in a message the morning of the day and shared on Schoology for students)


Period 1 - 9:00 - 9:30

Period 2 - 9:45  - 10:15

Period 3 - 10:30 - 11:00

Period 4 - 11:15 - 11:45

Lunch - 11:45 - 12:30

Crew - 12:30 

Group Activities: 1: 15 - 3:00 (See list below.)

Independent Work Time: 1:15 - 3:00 (See ideas/options below.)


Group Activities (Google Meet codes are located below for group activities)

  • Writers & Illustrators Group - All are welcome! 1:15-2:00 - Google Meet code: LibraryOWL
  • Student Library Advisory Council, 2:15-3:00 - Look for a Google Meet invite.
  • GSA Middle School - 1:15 - 1:45 (Google Meet: OWLPreston)
  • GSA High School - 1:45 - 2:15 (Google Meet: OWLPreston)
  • Social Work Individual and Group Meetings: If you have an individual appointment or group with Michelle or Paige, look for an invitation to a Google Meet during afternoon activity time.
  • Counselor Individual and Group Meetings: Counselors will send invites to students on their caseloads.  If you are needing to check in with a counselor, please send them an email directly.  They will be checking their email throughout the day and will follow up.
  • Middle School Homework Help - 1:15-2:15 - Google Meet code: OWLKaterina
  • ELL Teachers will connect directly with ELL students.
  • WINN make-up lessons and support with Joanna – Google Meet code: OWLJoanna


Tech. Support throughout the day with Rhonda Mechels - Google Meet code:: OWLiPadHelp

  • 8:45-9:00 am 
  • 9:30-9:45 am 
  • 10:15-10:30 am 
  • 11:00-11:15 am 


Independent Work

  • Finishing school work
  • Independent reading
  • Service work such as shoveling a neighbor’s sidewalk, helping  around the house.
  • Students may email teachers if help is needed - teachers will respond in as timely of a manner as they can.


Teacher Google Meet Codes: Teachers will have their Google Meet Code in their respective Schoology Folders.  If your child has trouble locating this code, please contact the school helpline located below.

School Contact: David Gundale and Tammy Plaman at 651-293-8670