Welcome to First Grade!


  • First grade literacy includes Readers Workshop, Writers Workshop and Skills.

    Readers Workshop includes a whole group lesson, small group instruction, and independent reading time. First graders will work on recognizing sight words, reading strategies, oral language, developing fluency and comprehension of texts.  

    Writers Workshop includes a whole group lesson and conferring with students about their writing.  Units of study in first grade include: Writing for Readers, small moments, persuasive letters, How-To books, Question and Answer books, realistic fiction, book recommendations, expert books, and poetry.

    Skills includes whole group and small group instruction. During skills, first graders will review and practice reading skills such as letter recognition, letter sound-correspondance, oral language, phonemic awareness, and word knowledge.


  • Mathematics in First Grade is taught with whole group and small group instruction. 

    First graders work on the following mathematical concepts:

    • Reading, Writing, and Representing numbers up to 120
    • Counting forwards and backwards
    • Less than, greater than, and equal to
    • Comparing and ordering numbers
    • Skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s
    • Addition and subtraction strategies
    • Recognizing and creating patterns
    • Studying 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes
    • Measuring by inches and feet
    • Telling time to the hour and half-hour


  • Read 75 minutes per week / 15 minutes per day

    Ziploc bag with a book(s) inside to practice reading

    Weekly homework packet every Monday: Math, phonics, or combination - due back following Monday in Orange Folder