2023-2024 Family Engagement Plan

    • Dear Parents/Guardians/Students: 

    LEAP High School is dedicated to serving students who are new to the United States and who are learning English while earning a high school diploma.

     The Family Engagement Plan (FEP) is organized into four impact areas. We will work together to build positive and goal-oriented relationships in each area. Families and staff at school developed this plan together.


    Welcoming Environment

    Our school has staff member(s) available for families to discuss this plan and ask questions.

    ·       Family Liaison: Dan Clark

    ·       Dan.clark@spps.org

    ·       (651) 228-7706


    Our school communicates with families in many ways.

      • For school events and conferences, families receive a mailed letter with event details. Additionally, information about upcoming events is posted on our website and Twitter page. Notifications are also posted on student Schoology courses.
      • Our school often makes phone calls home with interpreters available.
      • We do our best to respond to family questions within 24 hours in their first language.


    The achievement gap, or rather the “opportunity gap,” between students of color and white students in Saint Paul Public Schools is unacceptable. Our school is working to change practices and systems by identifying the barriers that make it harder for students of color to succeed and for their families to support their learning.

      • For more about our work on racial equity, contact: Be Vang, Principal at (651) 228-7706.
      • The goal of the school is to have staff who represent the demographics and languages of our students.

    Transitions between schools can be challenging, and we work to help families as their children start and leave our school.


    For new students and families, we support the transition by:

      • All families are invited to a Fall open house to meet staff and see the school.
      • New students and their families receive a new student folder with a range of important school information during orientation. This packet is available in five languages.
      • New students are given a tour of the school prior to their first day of enrollment by a counselor. All teachers receive an email or an in-person introduction to a newly enrolled student in their class.
      • Student Ambassadors welcome new students who come in after the school year has started.
      • A full-time nurse and social worker helps with the needs of families, including social and emotional and medical needs.
      • Two full-time counselors help students and their families with all issues related to school and college opportunities. 

    For students and families moving to the next school in their pathway, we support the transition by:

      • Students meet with our school counselor to determine the best pathway post LEAP high school.
      • For students over 22, we have a pathway to continued schooling at adult programs in the metro area.
      • College and career exploration opportunities through our counseling department and district programs.


    Family Partnerships

    Our school-parent compact establishes the shared responsibility for student success between the school, families, and students. Families and teachers work together to develop the compact.

      • The compact is shared in detail during the Title I Annual Meeting, during conferences, and is mailed to families in the fall.
      • The Compact is available in the main office, in the new family orientation office, and a copy is given to all newly enrolled families.
      • The Compact is updated each spring.

    There are many opportunities for families to build connections to the school and to each other.

      • The Title I Annual Meeting, where we share information about school programs, is held in the fall of each year.
      • LEAP families are invited to district-sponsored family seminars.
      • Our school Social Worker makes regular home visits to our families along with our language interrupters.
      • Families are encouraged to attend Site Council meetings
      • Families are welcome to meet with the Principal at anytime


    We work to make these meetings and events available for every family in the school.

      • LEAP has on staff numerous fluent speakers of languages other than English (Spanish, Karen, Hmong, Karenni, and Thai amongst others) and hires translators for larger language groups not represented on staff for our school conferences and events.
      • Parents needing help with transportation receive a bus pass or taxi service upon request. Events frequently include a dinner for families and siblings are welcome to attend any event.
      • Our school population is entirely English Language Learners, and therefore, all outreach strategies involve accessing our families’ native language as best we can. This includes: Assessing the most effective point of contact for families; mailing notices in multiple languages; having staff available in our families’ native languages to answer questions via phone and email; posting information in multiple languages on social media and our school websites; and utilizing district and community services for English Language Learners.


    Our school supports families as advocates and provides opportunities for parent leadership

      • Parents are encouraged to speak with their student’s teachers, counselors, and principal either in person, via email, on Google Meets or by phone.
      • Families are encouraged to attend regularly held Site Council meetings and encouraged to give feedback as often as possible about what does and does not work for their student’s learning informally through teachers and support staff.
      • LEAP staff receive ongoing professional development throughout the calendar year during regularly schedule Professional Learning Days as well as informal trainings during PLC and staff meetings.
      • Families and students receive surveys seeking their input about the effectiveness of their education.


    Teaching and Learning

    Our school shares information about state standards, assessment and student achievement with families in multiple ways

      • Report cards are distributed to families via U.S. mail.
      • Parent-Teacher conferences are held three times a year in October, December, and March.
      • Curriculum nights are held in the fall and student college planning events and meetings are held throughout the year.
      • Families are invited to attend pre-conference meals and family meetings to engage in LEAP’s work on our SCIP goals.

    Our school will engage in personalized learning as a key strategy to accelerate student achievement. Parents can get more information using many tools.

      • Students at LEAP are given multiple assessments to identify their optimal learning level for English and Math. Course enrollment reflects these assessments. Additionally, courses are structured to allow for movement between levels mid-semester if warranted by student progress.
      • All students have an iPad for instructional use. iPads are an instrumental aspect of a student’s learning day and students are expected to have their device each day.
      • Most student work is submitted and assigned in Schoology. Parents are encouraged to monitor their student's Schoology account as a way to engage with their students' learning.

    Many before- and after-school enrichment and support opportunities are available for students

      • LEAP students can participate in an Extended Day Learning (EDL) program each Monday and Wednesday. The program has a Math and English Language Arts focus.


    Community Partnerships

    Our school develops community partnerships to provide additional support for students and their families.

      • LEAP has partnerships with area technical colleges, other SPPS high schools, the International Institute, YMCA Bold and Gold, the Afghan Cultural Society, the Karen Organization of MN, the Midway Hamline Coalition and community arts organizations.


    This plan is available as part of our school’s SCIP, or School Comprehensive Improvement Plan at spps.org/scip, is on our school website at LEAP SCIP Plan, and printed copies are available in the office.