School Continuous Improvement Plan (SCIP)

    • What is a SCIP?

    SCIP stands for School Continuous Improvement Plan. Every school in St. Paul Public Schools has a SCIP. The SCIP helps keep us focused on our goal of high academic achievement for all of our students at LEAP. 

    How do we make the SCIP?

    To make our SCIP, we look at data from tests students take in school, like the MCAs, and the Access test. We also look at teacher classroom assessments, student grades and student surveys.

    What is the focus of SCIP?

    We feel that our school is meeting the mission and vision which is to meet the needs of students new to the country. While the Northstar Accountability metric developed by the Minnesota Department of Education measures LEAP’s success through four year graduation rate, attendance and scores on standardized tests, we have developed our own realistic measures. We will continue to work with all of our students’ personalized learning and graduation plans on an individual basis, which includes supporting families who choose to have their students graduate in six-years. Please get involved!

    If you want more information about the SCIP or are interested in getting involved in our SCIP and school, please contact Principal Be Vang at 651-228-7706.

    LEAP High

    Student Learning Outcomes:


    School Wide Goal:

    Universal Goal (all students):
    Student Climate Survey
    At least 90% of all students in grades 9-12 will take the Student Climate Survey in the Fall 2023 and in the Spring of 2024.

    Note: Based on fall baseline data, ensure:

    1. If participation is <90% for any given student group, then prioritize attainment of the universal goal.
    2. Given 90% of students participate in the fall survey, establish a student growth goal based on disaggregated factors (race/ethnicity, grade, etc.) and item analysis of the survey.

    Complementary Goal 


    The percentage of (All students present) will increase from 78% to 90% as measured by Attendance Report in BOLT by June 2024.


    Mathematics Goal:

    Universal Goal (all students):
    MCA III Math Assessment

    The percentage of all students scoring proficient or higher in mathematics will increase from 0% to 5% as measured by the MCA III Mathematics Assessment administered in April 2024.

    Complementary goal

    Passing Rates/Final Marks

    The passing rate of Mathematics courses required for graduation in grades 9-12 will increase from 90% to 92% as monitored quarterly and measured by Final Marks report in BOLT by June 2024.


    Reading Goal:

    Universal Goal (all students):
    MCA III Reading Assessment

    The percentage of all students scoring proficient or higher in reading will increase from 0% to 5% as measured by the MCA III Reading Assessment administered in April 2024.

    Complementary goal

    Final Marks/Passing Rate
    (based on disaggregated factors, aim at accelerating student learning, closing a targeted gap/an existing pattern of inequity)

    The passing rate of Language Arts courses required for graduation in grades will increase from 92% to 95% as monitored quarterly and measured by Final Marks report in BOLT by June 2024.