  • Flipside's afterschool programs impact youth and families in may ways

    Flipside Afterschool is intentionally designed to have a positive impact on youth and families in the following areas:

    1. Academic Learning
    2. Social Relationships
    3. Learning a New Skill
    4. Strengthening a Sense of Belonging at School

    We call on our staff, youth and families to share how participation has impacted them using many methods.

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    See what Flipside stakeholders are saying...

  • Academic Impact


    General Youth Stories
    "I enjoy flipside because the classes teaches me different things! I chose reading as one because I want to get into reading more like how I used to be. I also chose 2 dance classes because I enjoy music and I’ve always been into dancing, just never had confidence."

    Ramsey Newspaper
    5 Ramsey students participated consistently in the Newspaper Class in Fall of 2020.  The class was able to publish 3 editions of the Newspaper and sent it out to students and families in the Ramsey Community. We love that this flipside class connects flipside to the school.  A quote from the teacher, " I love giving the students the opportunity to take the lead in this class.  The Newspaper is completely driven by what the students want to write about and what they think their classmates will enjoy reading."  "Its been a lot of fun being part of the process."

    games December Game Kit
    In December SPPS transportation delivered 265 Family Game kits to our Flipside Families. Here is a direct quote from a parent "We will take some pictures soon over the activities you sent to our family.  I felt a little deflated today and both my son  and I felt so much joy after getting family games to play!!  Thank you"

    Our monthly delivery kits to the families are such a bright spot in their lives during this pandemic! 

  • Belonging Impact

    Farnsworth Art Expression
    From staff, "Art Expression is a class that allows students to work on different art mediums while cultivating connection and support within the Farnsworth Upper Aerospace community. A parent shared that over the weekend that their family was going through a divorce, and that their child looked forward to the class since it was a way to get their mind off the divorce and do something creative without rules or expectations. The instructor said, "I thought it is so wonderful that we are providing a supportive and positive space for students, even without knowing what everyone is dealing with at home." 

    Farnsworth Movie Night
    From staff, "This past November, Farnsworth Flipside hosted their first Virtual Family Movie Night. 36 students showed up for the screening of Hidden Figures. For a lot of the students, it was their first time watching the powerful movie about three African American women that surpassed barries and broke through the discrimination and racism that they faced at NASA in the 1960's. After the movie, students were so excited that they suggested that we host a movie night every week!"

    Film Appreciation
    Film Appreciation has always been a popular class. Students enjoy learning about the origins of movies starting with early silent films, to how they evolved to talkies, and then to color. The instructor’s goal is to explore films of every genre and era, study iconic filmmakers and to teach students to watch movies with a more critical eye.  How would it work to virtually watch a movie with others? As it turns out, it works great! The instructor has noted that engagement amongst the 10-15 students that participated in the class this fall was higher than the in person class because of the chat function while virtually watching the films together. The engagement has even expanded to the families of the students in Film Appreciation.

    Parent Quote: “She’s taking film appreciation, and it has become a huge extended family endeavor with aunts and grandparents and parents rewatching the films as well. It’s been a great distraction for all of us during this long winter. The best part is seeing how much our middle schooler is holding her own in some really in depth conversations.” This class has also offered a needed escape for some students, “Flipside has given my 7th grader a chance to escape into other worlds (movies and dungeons and dragons). With everything going on in the world, a few hours a week to escape with friends (virtually) has been a welcome break. It has been an opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other students without the risks of in person gatherings or the weight of graded classes. Thanks!”

    art Indiginous Art

    "Indiginous Art was offered during the Fall 2020 session at American Indian Magnet School with 7 scholars participating.  Flipside partnered with Interfaith Action and their American Indian Youth Enrichment program to provide this afterschool class.  Scholars painted and sketched with professional artists around St. Paul and received art supply deliveries in collaboration with SPPS Transportation. They are exhibiting their paintings in a show at the US District Court Building Gallery titled “THIS IS ME: Indigenous in 2020” that will be on display until June of 2021.


  • Social Impact


    Art Class
    From a student: In this class I've learned how only drawing chickens, after a while just turns into a plain old obsession. Ms. Rhodes has been the only teacher so far to get me to take my obsession and move past it. She got me to draw shapes, to make another kind of bird out of beans (I also made a chicken out of the beans). I made friends in this class, this class introduced me to a very good, and awesome person who is now the best friend I could ever ask for during coronavirus. This class brought me close to new ways of art I've never heard of, I'm now obsessed with them.

    General Youth Story
    "I enjoy meeting new people and being able to have good relationships with any new people that I may not have known before. Last year, I was able to have more friends after going to a class I never went to before."

    "I enjoy participating in flipside because I get to talk and learn about a whole nother culture and their struggles.  It keeps me educated on what other people have gotten through and why they have immigrated to the US."

    Parent Story
    "We've really loved all the programming options and the special extras (like the family baking kit and game kit--our family is big on both!). Thanks for making this pandemic period a little lighter and brighter for families."

    Creating Art
    Social relationships are possible to develop even through a pandemic. Through offering a variety of classes and delivering family activity kits, our students, families and teachers are thrilled with what has been offered. One student in Humboldt & OWL’s Creating Art class has learned to push her limits and has made a new best friend, stating: “I made friends in this class, this class introduced me to a very good, and awesome person who is now the best friend I could ever ask for during coronavirus. This class brought me close to new ways of art I've never heard of, I'm now obsessed with them.”  A grateful parent shared, “We've really loved all the programming options and the special extras (like the family baking kit and game kit--our family is big on both!). Thanks for making this pandemic period a little lighter and brighter for families.”

    A parent shares when they went from unsure, to we can’t wait.
    When it became clear that the 20-21 school year would be in Distance Learning, I was concerned. The middle school years are such an important time for kids to develop socially by interacting with others, I wondered how my 13 year-old could possibly have those opportunities. When the flipside registration came out, I asked him about it but, he was hesitant to sign-up and even said he was sure it would be boring. But after the first week, he would come running for his iPad to get ready and was usually logged on early because he was so excited to start. From the next room we heard conversation, friendly competition, laughter and all the sounds of kids being social and interacting with the huge plus of having a caring adult there to navigate through it all. Flipside quickly became the highlight of the week in our house. Flipside youth, "It's like a community and we can talk and play games after school."

  • Skills Impact

    Cook Fresh cooking Class
    25 Washington Technology students participated in a virtual cooking class during the Winter 2021 session. Flipside partnered with a local organization, Urban Roots, to provide instruction from a local Chef and also Local Crate, a Saint Paul company that sources fresh, local ingredients and to build the meal kits. SPPS transportation delivered the food kits to students' homes in advance of their weekly virtual class session.

    What young people said, “6th grader said, " I thought that the cooking class was very fun! This was the first time I ever made food all by myself, and I learned a lot about kitchen safety. I enjoyed making delicious food for my family to try.”  “I liked the class that taught me how to grow microgreens!"

    What parents said, "I am thankful for the Flipside Program which offers exciting classes for my daughter to participate in after school. It is great to know that the kids get to do fun things while also learning!"


    Folding Camp Chair Class
    Flipside has partnered with Urban Boat Builders (UBB) for many years to offer classes that have included building canoes, kayaks and longboard skateboards. This fall created a unique situation in figuring out how to continue to partner with UBB in a virtual setting. After brainstorming various ideas, we landed on offering a Folding Camp Chair class to 11 SPPS students. UBB put together the chair kits and they were delivered to students utilizing SPPS transportation services. Students met virtually for 10 sessions and built functional folding camp chairs that can be used in a variety of settings!

    Parent Quote of student in desk class - "My son has loved Flipside and has really benefited from having these extra activities to do during this hard time at home.  Our family looks forward to the kits each month and we are very grateful for your hard work."

    Gamers Club
    Gamers Club at American Indian Magnet School kept 8 scholars engaged in the adventure of game design during the Fall 2020 session.  They played video games, learned about computer science and game design, and created their own games and animations in Scratch.  
    What scholars have to say: “It is a chill spot for games and programming”.   Example of Scholar Created Game:  Dog Party