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     Passcode: &*90jLs.


    How to Keep the Fire without Burning Out
    Presenter: Paul Robinson     Host: Hue Schlieu
    Fuel your passion by investing in the things that matter to you most by developing good self-care practice.  
     Passcode: &*90jLs.

  • Self-Care is Never a Selfish Act!
    Presenter: Paul Robinson     Host: Lauryn Feske
    In this workshop, participants will be challenged to make space for and develop a practice of good self-care. Good self-care requires more than the occasional spa day. Holistic self-care should attend to our physical, emotional and spiritual selves. Regular practice of self-care helps us lead ourselves and others well. 
    No Recording Available

    Practical Tips: Working Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families
    Presenter: Panel     Host: Sarah Sandvik 
    This in-service helps participants learn ways to engage with culturally and linguistically diverse families.  It will address some of the obstacles that may interfere with forming trusting relationships with these families, and how to overcome them. Presenters include: 

    • Jesus Villasenor, Senior PACER advocate for the Latino Communities
    • Dao Xiong, PACER advocate for the Hmong community
    • Bonnie Jean Smith, PACER advocate for the African American Community
    • Hassan Samantar, PACER advocate for the Somali community


    Addressing the Power Dynamics within Classrooms through Restorative Justice
    Presenter: Malachi Raymond     Host: Norah Harper
    How do we uplift and empower young people within the classroom to take control of their own learning while still maintaining a role as "teacher?" Learn how to use Restorative Justice as a tool to address and dismantle unhealthy power dynamics we face within classrooms. This workshop is open to anyone who works/participates within or around any classroom or learning environment. 

    No Recording Available

    Living/Working Well with Persistent Uncertainty
    Presenter: Ted Bowman     Host: Jordan Zahrte 
    While we understand that the world is always changing, recent changes have come rapidly and largely uninvited: pandemics, racial injustice, war in Ukraine, past and future elections…the list is long. Directly and indirectly, school cultures and practices changed and continue to do so. Stamina, spirit, and resilience have been tested at work and at home.  Distress  is common. 

    Can there be honest conversations about living/working well with persistent uncertainty? Yes, a mixture of tried-and-true resources and recent examples of coping well can be discerned. Adapted resiliency practices are possible and effective. Comfort with ambiguity, re-introducing oneself, letting go of outdated expectations, humility and more will be addressed and discussed for personal care and care with others.
    Breakout Recording


  • Inclusion
    Presenter: Aliya Rivera     Host: Karen Gerdin 
    Inclusion with students: Inclusion 101, de-escalation, connecting with students based on needs, being equitable to students.  
    No Recording Available

    How to Thrive in a Radically Changing World
    Presenter: Kim Ratz        Host: Kari Gonzalez 
    Our world is changing radically and rapidly.  Through listening, we learn how peoples' needs change, giving us, community educators, the ability to respond. Yet there’s a catch. You can't help anyone unless you take care of yourself first.  This session is designed to find ways to better manage your own morale, be more resilient, and be good at change and transition, so we can meet the lifelong learning needs of our changing communities!
    Breakout Recording 

    Karen Culture Presentation
    Presenter: Lah Tha Pwee and Laymu John         Host: Pahoua Xiong 
    Currently, Saint Paul has the largest Karen population outside of Burma and Thailand, with over 20,000 members. Come and join two of our staff from the Karen Organization of Minnesota to learn more about this growing population. Participants will learn an overview of Karen history, culture, and resettlement in the U.S. Please be aware that this presentation will cover some difficult topics related to war and trauma. Come with open ears! 
    No Recording Available

    Intercultural Agility in the Workplace
    Presenter: Celeste Cecchi     Host: Karen Booth 
    Have you wondered what it means to show up to the workplace as your whole self? Do you know how to invite colleagues to show up as their whole selves? In this workshop on intercultural agility in the workplace, we will answer these questions and more!

    This workshop teaches diversity, equity, and inclusion through a broader understanding of culture. As you gain a deeper understanding of your own culture, you will be better equipped to understand (and celebrate!) colleagues whose cultures are different from yours. [Spoiler alert: every human on this planet has a culture different from yours!] 
    No Recording Available

    Who's Driving This Thing?
    Presenter: Magdalena Hogan     Host: Sandy Mansee
    Hard Drive, USB drive, Cloud drive, what does all that mean?  We are going to focus on MS OneDrive and Google Drive and how they can be useful tools to us in our jobs on a daily basis.  In our mobile world, these tools can make your life so much easier when you can have everything in one place and can edit on the fly. 

    No Recording Available

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