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Who is the principal?

Ann Johnson The Saint Anthony Park Elementary School community is excited to be under the leadership of principal, Ann Eaton Johnson. Ann grew up in St. Paul, attended St. Paul Public Schools, and has worked for St. Paul Schools for 30+ years. She spent her first two decades as a kindergarten teacher before moving into administration.

When thinking back on her own school days, Ann acknowledges that it was more about fact memorization and creating your own source of information by memorizing as much as you could. She compares those experiences with those of the children at SAP who are living in a fast changing world. Whereas her learning was focused on facts, she sees resourcefulness, critical thinking and problem-solving as core elements of learning and essential to ensure a child’s success in this new world.

To learn more about Ann, visit her Principal’s Page.

To contact Ann directly, call 651-293-8735 or email her at

Other ways to connect with Ann include;
-Chatting with her during arrival or dismissal
-Private meetings are always available by appointment

Ann Eaton Johnson is one of the first people you will meet when visiting the school. You will see that she sets a warm and welcoming tone for children and families.