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How do I enroll my child at St. Anthony Park Elementary School?

Students Students not currently enrolled in SPPS must complete an application and schedule an intake appointment at the Student Placement Center. All students new to the district (including kindergartners) must apply to a school, even if attending the neighborhood attendance area school.

Applications become available in January for the 2013-14 school year. They can be picked up in our school office. To download an application form, go to The deadline for applications is February 15.

If you live in the St. Anthony Park Elementary School neighborhood attendance area, as defined by the SPPS Student Placement Office, indicate St. Anthony Park Elementary on your district application form and attend the school’s fall orientation. For more information, call the school office at (651) 293-8735.

If you live in the St. Anthony Park Elementary School designated reassignment neighborhood you may also apply to St. Anthony Park Elementary. If space is available, the school and district will approve your enrollment.

If you live outside of the St. Anthony Park Elementary School designated neighborhood or reassignment area, you may apply to the Student Placement Office for a transfer to St. Anthony Park School. Enrollment is authorized if space is available. However, you will have to furnish transportation for your child.

Additionally, if your child will be going to, or coming from, a care provider who is located in either the St. Anthony Park School neighborhood or reassignment neighborhood, you may be eligible to enroll your child, even if you do not live in either of these neighborhoods. Contact the Student Placement Office for more information about applying for a daycare permit.

You can determine your attendance area school by using the STUDENT FINDER at, or by contacting Placement Center staff at 651-632-3760.

Mail or bring the school application to:
Student Placement Center
Saint Paul Public Schools
2102 University Ave. W.
Saint Paul, MN 55114