Parent Portal

5th-8th Grade: Tips and Techniques for Tracking Your Student's Grades

  • Q. What is the Difference between CAMPUS and SCHOOLOGY?

    A. Campus is the system we use to track official grades, attendance etc.  Schoology is the system we use to help teachers integrate online learning into their classrooms.  Read the SPPS Parent Guide to Schoology for a step-by-step guide to what Schoology is and how to use it. Schoology is used throughout the district for all classroom communication in secondary schools. Campus will continue to be used for attendance, progress marks (mid-quarter), and final grades(end of quarter).


    Q. Where can I find my login information?

    A. Your sign-in information is the same for both Campus and Schoology.  If you need help finding (or resetting) your username or password, please contact our clerks at 651-293-8880.  You can access Campus and/or Schoology by going to

    Q. How do I use Campus and Schoology to track my student’s progress?

    A. Teachers use Schoology to do these tasks:

    • Calculate the student’s current grade.

    • Record summative grades for papers, tests, and projects

    • Record formative grades for daily work, practice, homework, etc.

    • Provide feedback or make comments on the student’s work

    • Provide resources (assignment sheets, rubrics, task guides, articles etc)

    • Communicate what is happening in class.

    Teachers use Campus to track attendance and report final grades. If you want to find out how your student is doing in class currently and what assignments they have coming up and missing, check Schoology. For attendance and final grades, check Campus. 



    Campus Portal and iUpdate

    iUpdate - now open through May 31st (within Campus Portal):

    • Register for 2019 S-Term .
    • Complete required forms and documents.
    • Update contact information, such as phone number, email, emergeny contacts and home address in preparation for the 2019-20 school year.

    Campus Portal:

    • View grades, transcripts, bus information, course schedules and more.
    • Request updates to contact information, such as phone number, email, emergency contacts and home address.

    Use your One Stop username (the letter g followed by six numbers) and password that you received by U.S. mail in August 2018. 




    Log in to Schoology to access your child’s classes, interact with teachers and keep track of assignments.

    Read the SPPS Parent Guide to Schoology for a step-by-step guide to what Schoology is and how to use it. 

    Frequently Asked Questions about Schoology

    Use your One Stop username (the letter g followed by six numbers) and password that you received by U.S. mail in August 2018.