Phone: (612) 888-9040‬


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Burke


Welcome to

Ms. Burke's Grade 2 classroom 

I'm glad you came to visit!

My name is Beth Burke and I am excited about partnering with you and your family this year. 

Education and Teaching

I have worked with Saint Paul Public Schools for 21 years. This is my second year at Farnsworth and my first year Co-teaching with Mrs. Torres!!  I received my teaching degree and Masters from the University of St. Thomas.

Home Life

My husband Kevin and I have three children, Kyle, Megan, and Kate.  As a family, we love to be outside, listen to music, read books, walk our dog Riley. 

Hopes and Dreams

Be curious, explore, learn, have fun.
To contact me:
Working together we can accomplish so much...don't hesitate to reach out!
Virtual Learning School Teacher Grades 1 and 2
Google Voice Phone Number: ‪(612) 888-9040‬
Google Meet Code: Burke
Synchronous Whole Group Meetings: 10:00 and 1:00