SPPS APPS Login Issues

  • Internet Explorer

    User Name -  Must include isd625\  before the Active Directory user name when logging in to SPPS Apps, such as isd625\s######

    Server Error 401 - Unauthorized

    SPPS Apps users will receive this error message when they are logged in to a personal Gmail / Google Docs account.  Log out of the personal Gmail account and QUIT the browser. On a Mac, select Quit from the File menu of the browser application, or select Exit on a PC.  Simply closing the browser window or tab will not solve this issue, as it is using cached or saved credentials.

    Multiple SPPS Apps Users Sharing a Single Computer

    SPPS Apps users must make sure to QUIT the browser after they have logged out of SPPS Apps because the browsers are caching, or saving, the user name and password.

    Android Devices

    SPPS Apps users who are accessing Apps through an Android phone or tablet may receive an error message of Server Error 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials, even if they have not yet attempted to log in to SPPS Apps.  This error occurs because the Android device is pulling the credentials from the personal Gmail account that is tied to the standard Android browser.

    To avoid this issue and access SPPS Apps, please  follow the steps below: