Human Geography

  • Course Title: Human Geography

    Instructor: Ms. Glaspie                                   


    Course Length: One year

    Grade: 10th

    Period: 2nd hour


    Welcome to Human Geography.  The goal of this course is to learn about the physical, cultural, economic, and political factors that make up places around the world. We will also evaluate the uses, abuses, and preservation of natural resources and the population of an environment.  We will use guiding questions to help us establish the key ideas that are most essential to our learning according to what our state standards are and to help us gain a full understanding of the role we play as global and knowledgeable citizens of the world. 


    The scope of this course will include:

    Unit 1:  Geo-Spatial Technology and Geographic Inquiry

    Unit 2: Population and Migration

    Unit 3: Agriculture and Land Use

    Unit 4: Resources

    Unit 5: Economic Development and Industrialization

    Unit 6: Political Geography

    Unit 7: Cultural Geography

    Unit 8: Urban Geography


    Course Activities:

    Map labeling and examinations, class participation, discussions, note-taking from text and video, current event assignments, independent study, guided practice, multi-media presentations, group and individual projects, research reports and various other writing assignments, quizzes, tests and alternative assessments are all a large portion of the types of activities that you will engage in throughout the year.




    Notebook Paper

    All class work, handouts, notes, assessments, maps and other materials received or used in class should be kept in Human Geography notebook.                 

    Evaluation • Tests, quizzes, homework, reports, and other class activities and participation assignments are assigned a point value.  These points will be added accumulatively and banked as points earned out of the points possible for each assignment or activity.  The total number of points earned during a grading period will determine class grades.  Five week (mid-term) and 9 week or quarter grades are based on the following:

    90%—100%=A                   80%—89%= B                   70%—79%= C                   60%—69%= D                  50%-59%= D-

    Late Work/Absence Policy:

                      Work submitted after due date may be deducted points.   Usually the policy is that a student will lose 10 points on the late assignment per day.  This does not apply to quizzes and test however.  Class participation activities cannot be made up because your presence is strongly encouraged daily.

    Tardy Policy: Please note that five tardies may result in a referral to the principal and truancy policies may apply to this kind of behavior as well. 


    Classroom Rules:

    Be punctual and prepared.

    Respect your teacher and your classmates.

    Follow directions the first time they are given.

    Pick up after yourself.

    *IPODS, MP3 players and other music players will only be permitted for specific instructional purposes.  These purposes will be determined by the teacher.  Music players being used at any other time during the class period will be confiscated and turned in to the principal. 


    First offense Verbal Warning

    Second Offense parent notification by teacher

    Third Offense Referral to principal*

    *This last measure is also used for emergency situations and insubordination to a substitute.


    Student and Parent Signatures:

    Students will be expected to sign a documentation sheet upon receipt of any grade report or information, which needs parental notification or signature. Students, it is your responsibility to communicate with your parents regarding your progress, your responsibilities, and your grade for this course. Parent communication is encouraged and supported.  Students are required to return this document, signed by both student and parent/guardian, the class day after it is received.


    Parent Signature_________________________________________________ Date: _____________



    Student Signature________________________________________________ Date: ______________