Phone: 651-744-7981


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jolene Glaspie

I love to teach! It's my passion and purpose in life. Teaching at Agape is extraordinarily rewarding and healing. Everyday I have the privilege of connecting, sharing and enjoying amazingly beautiful students who are searching for their own life's purpose. This is an exceptional honor and gift. How did I get here?  I, too, was a teen mother. I had my daughter when I was 18 years old and raised her as a single parent for several years. Those years were filled with studying, studying and studying some more. I earned a bachelor's degree from Augsburg College in the year 1997. My daughter started kindergarten and we were on our way to freedom. Freedom from economic obstacles at least. I interviewed for the social studies position at Agape and began my teaching career. I had a great mentor during my first years of teaching. She was a strong advocate of exemplary teaching and demanded that I continue to become a master teacher.  I wanted to get an "A" in teaching so I decided to attend the University of Minnesota and earned a master's degree in Teacher Leadership in the year 2001. My path and journey to Agape and teaching has been one filled with professional growth and empowerment. I believe that education is an 'absolute necessity' and can help one out of many obstacles or life challenges. Knowledge is power and once it belongs to us, no one can ever take it away. The world can always use a bit more justice, equality and freedom which is the basis of all my social studies instruction and again that is why I love to teach! Recently, St. Paul Public School's Office of Teaching and Learning choose "rocking" teachers in the classroom who demonstrated excellence. I'm proud and excited to have been selected as one of those "rock star" educator's who shine.  

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