A Program That Has Had Many Forms

  • The St. Paul Public School District 625 has provided an alternative program for the education of pregnant and/or parenting girls since 1958. AGAPE celebrated it's 50th birthday during the 2008-2009 school year. Many supporters were in attendance. Alumni and retired staff joined us to acknowledge the district's commitment to teen moms. 

    Although we do not have the complete history of AGAPE's transitions, a partial path is outlined below. We welcome any stories from former teachers, students or community members that have supported AGAPE's legacy. Please email angela.payne@spps.org or call our Main Office at any time!


    Brief History

    Two school centers at Booth Memorial Hospital and Seton Residence were the beginning of academic services to residents of these facilities then later expanded to include pregnant girls who resided in their own homes.  The non-residential students attended on a daily basis.  The hospital and residence programs were consolidated in 1974 at Seton Residence Center and moved in 1975 to the Adult Community Education Center at 1619 Dayton Ave.  This location incorporated both the itinerant home instructors and school center for pregnant girls.  The latter was renamed the AGAPE (Adolescent Girls and Parenting Education) Program.

    Resident and non-resident girls, married and unmarried, were enrolled in the AGAPE Program and could have entered the program at any time during their pregnancy upon medical verification by a physician.  Any student enrolled at that time could have remained in the program following the birth of her child; the individual needs and situations of each student determined the length of time spent at AGAPE.

    At one time, the AGAPE Program was a part of the Home Instruction Program, which was a school within the St. Paul Schools, and followed the school grading system, trimester periods, and policy for granting credits. Each students schedule was individually planned according to her future goals and objectives.  Independent study and individualized instruction were available to meet specific needs of any student.


    Attention Alumnae! 

    AGAPE is interested in what you are doing now! Please complete the Google Survey here and submit it to our administrator, Lois Vosika-Weir. Thank you!