Phone: 651-221-1480


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts, French Master of Teaching

Mme Scholl

Mme Scholl began teaching 3rd grade at LNFI in 2010. She received her Bachelor of Arts in French from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008. She earned her teaching licence from Hamline University in 2010 and completed her Masters in Teaching in 2018.

When she is not at school, Mme Scholl enjoys being outdoors, reading, traveling and doing all kinds of crafting, especially knitting and crocheting.  

Mme Scholl lives in Oakdale with her husband Michael, her son Kellan, their cat Cannelle, and their German Shepard dog Lumiya.

Mme Scholl enjoys teaching at LNFI and imparting a love for learning and French to her students. 




  • My Favorites

    Hobby: crocheting

    Food: sushi

    Animal: cat

    Music: country

    Subject: math

    Color: blue

    Season: spring

    Snack: dark chocolate

    Movie: Inside Out

    Place: home

    Book: Sideways Stories from Wayside School