

Degrees and Certifications:

About Ms. Allal

I have been teaching first grade at Highwood Hills for five years.  I am a mother of three and a recent grandmother!  Before I came to Highwood,  I taught kindergarten eight years, second grade for eight years, and Gifted and Talented Education for six years for a total of 26 years in St. Paul.  I have a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, and a Master of Arts Degree In Education and Differentiation.  

Teaching first grade is exciting!  Students are growing as readers, writers, and mathematicians while finding new friendships along the way.  A big part of first grade involves learning how to be an independent worker, develop social and emotional skills along with guided reading, math, science, social studies, phonics, as feel connected here at Highwood Hils.  I love it here because we have a small community that truly cares about the families. students, and staff.  We want everyone to feel welcome and take part in our learning community.  I am grateful to teach the students here and work in such a warm and inviting environment. Check out the photos of our reading buddies in fifth grade, and our gingerbread house building project that made our introduction to procedural writing exciting!