Trips from 2017-18

  • New York:


    We were able to take three interns from Lovin’ and Choice to the Gordon Parks Foundation Awards Ceremony in New York. This was the first time they had ever been on an airplane. It was also the first time they had ever attended a black tie event. The fact that it occurs in honor of Gordon Parks, our school namesake and a famous African American man floored them. They watched as young people their age received awards for exceptional photography and realized that with talent and hard work, anything is possible. They will carry this experience with them for the rest of their lives. We also had an opportunity to visit the African Burial Ground National Monument


    Camille A. Brown and Dancers at The O'Shaugnessy 

    Camille A. Brown

    The ladies were lucky enough to see Camille A. Brown and her dancers perform Ink at The O'Shaugnessy Auditorium. Most of them had never seen a dance show before, let alone one choreographed by a woman of color and performed by dancers of color. After the amazing show, they were invited back stage to meet the dancers. They were in awe, blown away by the fact that a woman of color created this flawless production. It was heartwarming to see the world of possibilities created in their minds.

    Annie at The Ordway


    We took the ladies to see Annie! at the Ordway, directed by the fabulous Austene Van. They were blown away by the fact that Oliver Warbucks was played by Lance Roberts, an African American actor. They really enjoyed themselves during our night out on the town. 

New York