

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Shannon Iwaszkowiec

My name is Shannon Iwaszkowiec and here is a little bit about me.  I was born in St. Louis, MO and went to elementary school there.  I moved to Eagan when I was 11 and went to middle and high school there.  I went to college at the University of Northern Iowa, and did my student teaching in Apple Valley, MN.  I was able to get a job at the school where I student taught and taught there for five years. in Kindergarten and 1-st grade.  In 2004 I went back to school and got my master's degree from St. Mary's University.  Right after my  5th year my husband and I moved to Memphis, TN to pursue a job opportunity for my husband.  I taught one year in Memphis and then my daughter Irene was born in July 2008.  Shortly after she was born we moved to Kenntucky, where my son, Isaac was born. 

Thankfully in 2011 a job opening became available here in the Twin Cities for my husband and we were able to move back.  I continued staying home until Isaac started 1st grade, but did many long term-substitute positions.  Two of the positions I did were at Crossroads Montessori in St. Paul, where my kids were going to school.  I fell in love with the Montessori method and started another Master's program at the University of Wisconsin at River Falls.  I started the program and teaching Children's House at Cherokee Heights Montessori the same year.  After two years at Cherokee Heights, and completing my Montessori Certification,  I was able to take a position a Nokomis South, which is closer to my home on the East Side of St. Paul. 

My time at Nokomis South has been incredibly rewarding, and I am so thankful to be here.  The staff, famillies and administration are commited to helping students learn and grow!