Athletic Strategic Planning Meetings

  • In the fall of 2017 the district embarked on an Athletic Strategic Planning process. Over 50 participants are participating in the process through a series of three meetings. They represent students, including SEAB representation, parents, athletic directors and coaches from middle and high schools and community members. Recommendations from the stakeholder group will be integrated in the district-wide strategic planning process and the spring budget process. The purpose and outcomes for the Athletic Strategic Plan process are below. Also, information from the meetings and presentations are available in the upper left hand column of this page.



    To ensure that scholar/athletes receive a premiere experience through competitive and equitable athletic programs by utilizing the expertise and perspectives of a diverse stakeholder group.



    1.  Share information about the current reality of athletic programming, assets and areas for improvement.

    2.  Receive comments, questions and guidance from stakeholder groups to inform next steps.

    3.  Develop recommendations to determine 2017-2020 strategic plan for Athletics programming and support.