Welcome to Saint Paul Public Schools Adapted Athletics

  • Welcome; we’re glad you’re here.  SPPS students with Cognitive or Physical Disabilities in 7-12th grade are eligible to participate in Saint Paul Public Schools Adapted Athletics program.

    Adapted Athletics are Interscholastic sports sanctioned by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL). The goal of the program is to offer athletes with disabilities the opportunity to compete in a varsity sport. Athletes can earn a varsity letter.

    The following indoor sports offered are:

    Soccer, Floor Hockey, Softball and Bowling

    Interscholastic athletics are intended to give student athletes the opportunity to discover and/or improve:

    Goal setting
    Pride and self-confidence
    Leadership and teamwork
    Graciousness (win or lose)
    Physical condition/ wellness
    Concentration and intensity
    A sense of community and belonging
    Commitment and dedication

    It is the belief of the Minnesota Adapted Athletics Association (MAAA) Board that the mental and physical attributes that student athletes acquire through participation will help them lead more productive and well-rounded lives.

    Teams meet three days per week. Practices are held once a week after school. There are two games per week and are held in various locations within the cities.

    Eligibility Requirements:

    1. Physical: All athletes must have a current sports qualifying exam on file with the school nurse that clears you for interscholastic competition.
    2. Minnesota State High School League Eligibility Brochure: Must be signed by a parent/guardian and the student.
    3. Athletic Fee(s): $20.00 free/reduced lunch or $45.00
    4. Code of Conduct: Must be signed by student athlete and parent/guardian.

    To register contact the Athletic Director at your school or Adapted Athletics Director Matthew Osborne at matthew.osborne@spps.org.

    Teams are determined by number of players and availability of coaches each season.

Humboldt Athletic Office

  • 30 E. Baker Street
    St. Paul, MN 55107

    Athletic Director:
    Matthew Osborne