Jocelyn Sims, Principal

  • Thanks for visiting the E-STEM Middle School website!  I am very honored to be the principal of E-STEM knowing that there are a lot of great things in store for the start of this new school.  I have been very fortunate to be a part of the St. Paul Public School District for 21 years years, both as a teacher, assistant principal and principal.  Prior to my start at E-STEM, I was the principal at Battle Creek Middle School and Parkway Montessori and Community Middle School. In between my time at those two schools, my family and I relocated to Arizona where I was also lucky enough to spend three wonderful years as the principal of Centennial Middle School in Phoenix. 

    Nothing makes me happier than being able to spend each and every day around middle school students as no day is ever the same!  In addition, I love the opportunity to work with the adults who choose to be "in the middle"!  It is always my mission and vision as a leader to ensure that the work we do as adults always puts students first!  When we are all on the same page, focused on what's best for our students, many positive things will happen. 

    I am very blessed to have a great surrounding crew in my life!  My husband, Damon, is a retired Navy Chief of 23 years.  He currently works for the Safetly and Emergency Management team here in SPPS as an Assistant Mangager.  We have three very active boys: Maximus (12th grade), Manny (10th grade) and Elijah (6th grade).  All three boys play football, basketball and baseball and keep us both on the go at all times.  As a family we enjoy camping, fishing, swimming, boating, and attending a variety of sporting events (MN Lynx, Twins, Packers, Steelers...sorry, not the Vikings!).  

    I look forward to the many opportunities at stake to partner and do what is best for our students.  Please know I am available by phone (651-744-2900), email ( or by appointment through the office manager, Rochelle Stoffel.  

    Thank you for choosing E-STEM Middle School!