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About the Course

Is the medical terminology difficult to learn?

Medical terminology requires lots of memorization, so students learn and apply a variety of memory strategies. It is an intense study, but students enjoy learning medical terminology in the context of a select number of body systems. They are often surprised at what they already know from daily life. The material is presented in manageable units and online learning games make studying more fun.

What computer skills will I learn?

Medical Office Prep students learn how to:

  • set up an e-mail account
  • send and reply to a professional e-mail
  • locate information on a variety of career and college websites
  • use Google documents and Microsoft Word to create/edit writing assignments
  • use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation
  • learn and practice keyboarding skills using and other sites
  • use the online learning sites LearnerWeb and My Foundations Lab to independently review course materials and take quizzes
  • complete assessments and tutorials using the Northstar Digital Literacy standards

In class demonstrations are enhanced by independent learning of the curriculum on, which includes a series of self-paced tutorials are coupled with graded assignments. Students can achieve a Northstar Digital Literacy certificate with each assessment completed at 85% or higher. 

What is the ACCUPLACER? 

The ACCUPLACER test is used as a placement test by many technical schools, colleges and universities in the United States. It measures whether students have the skills needed for study at the institution where they seek admission, or whether they may need to brush up on some academic skills through developmental courses before taking regular college-level classes. 

How does the test work?

The ACCUPLACER is called a computer-adaptive test. This means that the computer responds to how you're doing on the test questions by giving you more difficult items as the test goes on. The test is different for each person who takes it, as it draws from a pool of questions of varying difficulty, and how you do on earlier questions influences what questions you get as you move through the test. 

What does the ACCUPLACER include?

The ACCUPLACER includes sections on reading comprehension, arithmetic, algebra, and college-level mathematics. In addition to these tests there is an ACCUPLACER writing test. However, the writing test is not always required. You may or may not need to take the writing test, depending on which college you attend and how well you perform on other tests.