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Largest Education Investment in State History

Dear Colleagues,

Joe Gothard headshotI hope you had an enjoyable winter break, which already feels like a lifetime ago after our quick transition to two days of e-learning last week. I want to thank everyone for your extra efforts to keep kids learning and families safe during the largest snowstorm in many years. 

Last week was also a big one as our state legislature began the 2023 session. As you likely know, an unprecedented surplus of over $17 billion is on the table, creating an opportunity to meet many unmet needs for Minnesotans. While there are numerous worthy investments to be made, Gov. Walz has come out strong for education. I had an opportunity to present at a legislative preview with him and several metro area colleagues last week, and I started with this quote from his inauguration:

“Now is the time to be bold. To build that bright future for Minnesotans. And now is the time to deliver. We can lead the nation in ending child poverty, making sure that every child receives that world-class education. And in doing so, we’ll continue to make sure that Minnesota is the best place to raise a family.” - Governor Tim Walz

He echoed this sentiment at the meeting, promising to make “the largest investment in education in state history … ensuring every child will come to school ready, happy, healthy and fed in a stable environment.” These words, backed by what I’m optimistic will be real action from the Capitol, should be music to all of our ears. 

No longer should we have to accept a budget that is 20 years behind inflation. No longer should we have to worry about the future of successful programs because they are funded through grants or one-time gifts. Now is the time to fund our schools in a way that will truly and sustainably meet the needs of our students, today and into the future.

Over the coming weeks and months leading up to the end of the session in May, I will take every opportunity to share this message with everyone who will listen. There is no investment more important than the education of our young people. As SPPS staff, you know this better than anyone. I hope you will join me in this rallying cry as we uphold our collective mission to inspire students to think critically, pursue their dreams and change the world. Thank you for all you do; the children of Saint Paul are better because of you.

In Partnership,

Joe Gothard signature

Joe Gothard, Superintendent